Rocky Mountain Forensic Training

Center LLC

Classroom Training

The Rocky Mountain Forensic Training Center offers numerous in person classroom training courses.  These courses combine lecture and hands on exercises that reenforce what the students have learned.  Hands on activities are at the core of every in person course offered at the Training Center.  The best way to learn is by doing.

Any classroom training course can be hosted by your organization.  Hosting agencies receive exclusive benefits.  A minimum enrollment is required.  Customizable training is also available to meet specific crime scene training needs.  Please contact us for more information.

Refer to the Calendar Page for scheduled courses

Crime Scene Investigation Level 1

Description: A Crime Scene Investigator’s training has to start somewhere! This is the basic 40 hour crime scene investigation course offered by the Training Center.  This training covers all the basic topics a Crime Scene Investigator needs to locate, document, process and collect evidence on a wide variety of crime scenes.  Topics in this course include: crime scene processing methodology, safety, photography, evidence collection and packaging, toolmark and impression evidence, fingerprinting, biological and trace evidence and diagramming/sketching.  The training culminates with the students processing staged crime scenes and presenting their results to the rest of the class.

Hours: 40        

Crime Scene Investigation Level 2

Description: This is an intermediate 40 hour crime scene investigation course.  This training builds on the skills the students learned in the Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 course and expands on their knowledge introducing several new topic areas including: basic bloodstain pattern documentation, advanced fingerprinting techniques, advanced crime scene photography, and basic shooting scene documentation and reconstruction.  There are numerous hands on exercises in this course.

Hours: 40        

Advanced Crime Scene Photography

Description: This two day course expands on the student’s basic photography skills acquired from the Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 course and adds additional camera manipulation skills that cover topics such as: painting with light, multi-flash photography, trajectory laser photography, additional camera equipment familiarization, additional ambient light and flash photography practice, fluorescent photography, footwear and tire mark evidence photography among other skills.

Hours: 16        

Advanced Fingerprinting

Description: This two day course will build on the knowledge the students learned in the Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 course by discussing how to give the crime lab the best product possible for them to make identifications and eliminations.  This includes learning how fingerprints are formed, knowing the different levels of detail the lab looks at, evaluating the surfaces the fingerprints are on and coming up with a systematic process to determine what fingerprint technique to use to process with and what methods to document and collect the fingerprint based on the given circumstances.  This course includes many practical exercises that

will challenge the student.

Hours: 16        

Shooting Reconstruction 1

Description: This three day Shooting Reconstruction course details how to document, process and collect evidence from a shooting incident along with how to take that documentation and attempt to reconstruct estimated shooting angles, locations and sequences.  Students will complete multiple practical exercises culminating with creating a reconstruction diagram based on their observations and documentation.

Hours: 24      

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis 1

Description: This course is the Crime Scene Investigator’s introduction into processing blood and bloodstain patterns as evidence at a crime scene.

This three day course provides the basic training to identify, document and collect blood and bloodstain pattern evidence.

Topics include: basic biology (blood and the circulatory system), how blood is deposited in a crime scene, what types of stains and patters are produced during a blood shed event, how to properly document stains and patterns and what chemical/physical processes can be used to enhance latent blood on various surfaces.  Numerous hands on exercises are included in this course culminating with a basic bloodstain pattern reconstruction.

Hours: 24      

Basic Crime Scene Investigation Review

Description: Many Crime Scene Investigators do not have the opportunity of attending regular training throughout the year, and some may not have the case load to stay proficient in the skills that are required to document and process crime scenes.  These skills are perishable if not used on a regular basis.  This two day course provides refresher training in the following areas:  crime scene photography, fingerprinting, packaging and DNA &

trace evidence documentation and collection.

Hours: 16      

© 2022 Rocky Mountain Forensic Training Center LLC